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Every modder is only making female things?


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Making a rant post (in the wrong forum and thinly veiled as a question) is not exactly the most efficient or successful way to ask a community to make more male armor. You might be more successful if you start asking mod authors directly if they could make a male version of some armor you like. :thumbsup:
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Why make immodest and non-protective female armor? The raging hormones of the human male. A thing I will never really understand. But I think most of us here are libertarians, so people can do whatever they want as long as it harms no one.
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You are getting it all wrong. The reason for this is the companions, the female companions. Most male players naturally pick up female followers. And they are the ones that we have to look at all trhoughout the game, so naturally the demand for nice looking female armor rises. Easy as that.


I play a male orc and could not care less about my own appearance, but the female follower has to look her best, of course... :D


Here is how my wife looks, http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/11882-1-1331184413.jpg :D

Edited by jackelinas
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Why make immodest and non-protective female armor? The raging hormones of the human male. A thing I will never really understand. But I think most of us here are libertarians, so people can do whatever they want as long as it harms no one.


Yeah and my female character has nothing for her male companion to wear :tongue: There's skimpy male armor replacers but not much hot and new that doesn't replace the original armors for me to give my spouse. I most definitely wouldn't mind some immodest and non protective male armor for the nice piece of arm candy I went through such trouble to acquire and only for him, there just isn't any.


At least in Oblivion and Morrowind we could count on AlienSlof to create some skimpy things for men. Now I wonder who will pick up the mantle.


*makes puppy eyes at Nivea"

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Me, I now try to make a male and female version of all my stuff... unless its sexy then its male only cause I have my own breast and dont feel the need to stare at more. :P


i lol'ed.. But yeah I play almost exclusively as a male too, and finding cool armors is difficult. And while sometimes I do appreciate the sexiness of the female armor, more often then not it feels out of place so I don't use it on my spouse in the game.


But I can definitely see the allure for the other nexus males here to want to play as females, far more so in skyrim then in any fallout or older TES game..

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The technology hasn't arrived yet that will allow easier access to armor making. When it does, modders like myself will be sure to give the genders equal access to new armors. :dance:
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Why are ALL the Armour's being released female only? I searched the entire site and found 3 Armour's for men...

I mean new models, not re textures.

What's going on? Is there a reason for this?

Thank you.


You're not alone; all of my characters (10+) have been male except for one.

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