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No wind physics anymore?


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So...I just recently bought Skyrim Special Edition. I've never played before now.


I found out there are lots of mods so I decided to try some...mostly I think I understand NMM now and I watched a tutorial on using the masterfile cleaner and followed it.

LOOT I don't fully understand, but I downloaded it and made it create a load order for me and used it, beyond that I don't know if I did it right.

So...I have been installing mods that make the game look nicer with higher graphics and such, but I noticed that the wind physics are gone from trees and a lot of the ground items like flowers etc and I don't know what happened or what mod did that or what I did wrong maybe. Some ground bushes still move with the wind, but all others are just solid unmoving


So I was just wondering if anyone knew what might have happened to cause that or maybe I've been looking at too many other videos of other players and I don't even have the mod where trees move in the wind and the base game didn't even have that originally anyway and I am imagining things?


Took a screenshot of my mod list ...removed.... problem solved on my own.




PS. I am sorry for my current obliviousness and any following obliviousness to any responses. I barely know what I am doing here since I only just started trying to mod like today. Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by valerieh86
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Okay so it took a lot of digging and I found out the trees no longer swaying in the wind is an FPS issue not any of the mods I used. The game automatically turns off the tree physics if your FPS is too low or something and I confirmed this by putting the GFX settings on Low and testing it.

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