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Game freezing on area transition


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I am having this same issue. any time I go through a door or area transition the game will hang up on the load screen (music still plays and I can still move 3d figure) and the only way I have found to get past it is ctrl+alt+dlt then select cancel. this will immmediatly load the area.

some other issues I am having are the gameplay is lagging behind by a second or so(hit the jump button and release then the character jumps a little after releasing). it also seems to stutter when moving like the framerate is dropping but not sure. i have a monitor for my gpu usage and it wont go above 60% used to run 85-98% One other problem I am having is trying to download the vampire fx mod it will download to 70-80% then quit evertyime. the game also randomly ctd. all my drivers are up to date and I have used them before with no problems. I believe these problems are all connected, they all started at the same time. I have disabled all recent mods and the problem is still present. I have also reinstalled skyrim and reloaded each mod with still no change.

Edited by DarkAngelNismo
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  • 4 months later...

I was still having this issue, even in july... that made me stop playing for a while but i've found an ENB patch from B. Vorontsv that seems to solve the problem.


Try it!



just click on the ANTI FREEZE patch to dld it and then extract it into your Skyrim folder (not the data one, the skyrim folder is the one with the TES.exe file)

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  • 8 months later...

I have been having the same freezing errors of late and after trying disabling mods and such I have found that by going into Skyrim.ini and deleteing all the entries under {MapMenu] my crashing has ceased.


Hope this helps!

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