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Forts Rebuilt!


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Hi everyone, I figured i'd post something for the first time in at least a year. Just to see if anyone else thinks this is a good idea.


When playing Skyrim you often come across many old and abandoned forts, mostly infested with bandits and the like. After a while I started thinking: "Are there ANY intact forts in skyrim?" I mean as they are now, they offer very little actual protection and/or strategic value.

I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool to see some of these forts rebuilt? Sure, the poor state of these old forts are realistic, since Skyrim is ravaged by civil war. However i don't think it would damage the immersion all that much.


Anyway, I think it would be interesting to see one of these forts in restored to their former glory.


As far as I know of only one modder that has started working on a "Fort rebuilt" kind of mod. "Sungard fort remade with castle beta" by a modder called "mrwhiskerson" on the nexus.

I think he is on to something.

What do you think?

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