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Property of Railway rifle, (ammo on corpse)


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So, I'm currently playing with an old throwing knife mod, and I'm trying to make it so that the weapon when it hits an enemy, will drop ammo, (Or in this case a cleverly disguised grenade) into the enemy's inventory, so that I can kill with the knife then loot that back, and not need to keep building more throwing knives.

the railway rifle is a clear indication of the behavior I expect, wherein when the target is hit with a railway rifle, railway spikes appear in their inventory. the problem I have is that I'm not sure what property, keyword, checkbox or what I need to push in order to have my throwing weapons leave knives on the corpse. especially given that there may be a difference between having it drop ammo or a weapon.

So... what am I missing? what property does that thing, and how can I make the knives drop properly?

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