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New to Modding - Blue Characters


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I am mostly new to modding. Have used successfully before body mods such as UNP and RS Children. I had to install mods manually since the NMM and Manager options don't seem to do anything, and my Windows 10 won't run the Mod organizer addon. Recently I have tried the popular SG textures Renewal, copying everything to the default meshes/textures subdirectories, but all female characters turn blue, like if there is some texture missing. I have tried posting on the mod discussion, but complete silence. Help?

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Wow. I've never seen something like this lol

I have a theory but I am not sure if it's correct. I'm thinking that the normal map has become the top layered texture somehow.


I tried it in my game:







Kind of got the same effect...


But tbh, I don't think that's the problem. Try going back to an earlier save and see if she's still purple.

Edited by Niborino9409
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