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Noise Maker Arrows


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Can Anyone manage to create an Arrow that creates a slight noise? Like the Shout throw voice? This is excellent for a thief, to ward off on coming attackers when they hear something. Also great to distract enemies from a position making it so you can access a route being blocked by said enemy.


And also would like to see an NPC created to marry Vampires and Enemy NPCs too violent to enter Maramal's chapel. would better then using console commands for a change.

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Okay, made it ...


They make the sounds of a person running (rather than the silly voices).


You can create them at the forge using Dwemer Arrows, Leather Strips, Glowing Mushrooms and Mudcrab Chitin.




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Now merged this into my Silent Archery mod:

New version with craftable arrows just uploaded - which includes the craftable noisemaker arrow for all your Thief-y goodness! :ninja:


Also modified the noisemaker slightly to make a chitinous sound instead


Get it here:



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