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I know this is a noob question...but,

The Saint

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Erm, yes it is a newbie question, and you should have known that there is a search button that would yield the results, but since you didn't swear or type in all capitals, i'll make a concession.


Go into your Morrowind.ini file in the main MW directory.

Scroll down a little way until you see ScreenshotEnable 0.

Change the 0 to a 1

Save it.


You're all done. When you next go into the game press the PrntScrn button and it'l be placed in your MW directory.


Next time, use the search button else you'll get no end of "Sto0piD No0b Hax0r f00L. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: "


You get my drift. :D

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