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Stormcloak Cuirass Heavy Armor


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Hey I've been wanting a good, standalone heavy armor for Stormcloaks that's based off the basic Stormcloak Cuirass not the Officer armor. I managed to make a standalone copy of the Stormcloak Armor easily enough and change it to heavy armor but I was wanting a custom model for it. I really liked the model for Skyrim Stormcloaks Enhanced but found that the armor mesh doesn't look quite as good in game. The straps for the Banded Iron shoulder pads float out a good distance from the torso and under the arms there's a weird kind of excess texture issue. I've never done anything with meshes or .nifs so have no idea how I could fix this or how to make a custom mesh.


I was thinking of maybe trying to take just the cloth wrap off the Stormcloak Cuirass and put it over some Banded Iron Armor but am assuming that would require a new mesh and I've no idea how to create one. So if anyone would be interested in trying something like this out or could point me toward some step by step .nif editing guides I'd be very appreciative.

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