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[LE] New eyes show up as brown


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I am having a issue, I made new eyes in the same way I always have.

And for some people they are showing up all default brown. This haven't happened before.

The eyes are for Mer , what can cause this?


Additional information:


1. People who tested them had Windows 10, if it is a bug due to that OS, how to fix it?

2. Anything else that can cause this?


I am frustrated at the solutions not working.

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"In the same way I always have" is not really helpful in figuring out where you might have gone wrong. There are actually a lot of workable ways to change eye textures, and there are ways to mess up each of them.


You can edit the texture paths in the eye meshes, which can then be overwritten by applying texture sets in the CK, which can then be overwritten by editing texture paths in NPCs' facegen meshes. Then all your work could be undone if you're using a vanilla texture, because a user might overwrite it with another texture.

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