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Unplayable framerates when HDT-enabled followers on screen in cities......


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Normal follower mods work fine, but all HDT follower mods have a major problem with my setup.....

When I am outside a city everything runs great, 2560x1440, heavy ENB and texture/grass mods 50-60 FPS. But the moment I get in a city with an HDT enabled follower on screen my FPS goes to 1-5 FPS!! Only in cities, only with follower on screen. Non-HDT followers such as Inigo work fine.

I have read that this was caused by Xp32 skeleton, which I have deleted and upgraded to XPMSE skeleton mod. No luck..

I have all the HDT requirements and XPMSE and FNIS..... I am lost as to what is causing this. I have to make my follower wait outside the city as it's so frustrating...

Modlist: https://modwat.ch/u/om3n1rpak/plugins

Specs: GTX1070

i5-6600k 16gb RAM


I have tried replacing follower skeletons with XPMSE skeletons and repackaging the mod, but that does not solve it. So I think it has something to do with HDT physics....

Edited by om3n1rpak
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Messed up HDT physics descriptor files (the xml files that come with the physics) can cause this, especially if you're talking about physics for females. You'll want to install different HDT physics files, either mods here on nexus or find, say, a custom hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml file and replace it manually.

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For speed's sake I usually rename the old one (like adding .bak on the end of the file name, assuming you have windows folder options showing file extensions) and replace it, that way you know for sure whether it works and it's not because you misnamed something in the overwrite folder, etc.

Edited by JackArbiter
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A bit late to the party, but you use HDT High Heels so you need look no further. Convert your HDT High Heels mods to NiOverride (it is now integrated into Racemenu) and you're all set.

I had the same problem on a fairly strong gaming computer, and replacing/converting my HDT High Heels stuff solved my framerate issues.

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