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How is this related to Oblivion? The actualities of what was posted aside, although the wording could probably be a bit more clear, why is this here? Why have other pieces of political, social commentary (activism) been posted here? Maybe this is the wrong place for this sort of thing? This is also a gaming site, most the people around here are either under the age of 18, or live in other countries. What are you hoping to achieve by posting this and other things like this here?


Why post these sorts of threads, then just clear them? I really don't understand. It's not that your words may not have some validity for others, it is that this may not be the best place to post them.

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The brightest minds and the most beautiful truths are under 18.

All the facts and knowledge in the universe are but toxic waste without heart and soul and wisdom...


Controversy is the blood of truth. Let it flow or die a fools death at the hands of "experts".

Um, not to get on your case, but can you please drop the existential semi-poetic stuff and give a straight answer? I mean, seriously, is this how you actually talk in public (twisting around words, speaking mostly in symbolism)? Yeah, it might be cool at first (like Yoda speak) but after awhile it is just awkward, and tends to make your actual message harder for most people to understand (care about). Which if I'm understanding it, is kinda contrary to your point. I understand, it might be due to a difference in languages, but after seeing your responses, I can't help but feel that it is intentional. If that happens to be your thing, as suggested, you might want to post somewhere that would be more open to those methods of expression.


Again, no offense.

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