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The Best thing...


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oi, i'm an experienced player. i've played for ages and i got 168 mods in my game so now i want to know, what do YOU think is the best thing in oblivion. out of anything/everything in the game?
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Freedom. I can do pretty much everything.


Graphics. I just love running around, admiring the scenic Views.


AI. True, some Conversations can get boring to listen to, but NPCs talkin to each other in the Background is great.


Quests. Some of the uests are boring, but there are some of the best quests i ever played.

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The butterfles and the swaying of grass in the wind... The first moment I was out of the sewers I was stunned by the view, I was admiring the beautiful green and the colorful butterflies then I was literally stunned, I was struck by a warhammer, seems that while I was watching the view drooling, a bandit came from the side and tried to blow my head off with a giant warhammer :D


Oh and I also love that ghost town :D the quest was hillarious I laughed and laughed when I solved it :D

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the complete and utter freedom ( for a game anyway ) that you are never wanting or wondering for something to do

the main quest gently nudged you for ward

and you can play it for hunderds of hours with wildly differnt characters and never exactly experience the same thing twice or do the same thing in a row

and when you are done with the main quest and all the side quests there is aworld fo mods add on quests and the expansion pack waiting for you

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