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I can magically carry.....


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Okay, so I was wondering if there are any mods that change the way you carry things. I want it to wear I can only carry a limited amount of items. Like instead of it being based on weight, it is based on the capacity of your backpack or whatever. Clearly, I don't care if you can literally carry 500lbs of junk, where the hell would you fit it all? So, what I want is a mod that makes it so that like your backpack can only fit say 20-30 small items like food, or you can put 1-2 medium sized guns in it, or a really big one! I'm asking for this because i'm converting my game to a sandbox zombie survival game but I want it to be as realistic as possible! So like when I make a run to town to grab food I can only grab so much, meaning i'm going to have to make a second trip or risk starving! So if anyone can do this or if it's already been done then please point me in the right direction :]
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Okay, so I was wondering if there are any mods that change the way you carry things. I want it to wear I can only carry a limited amount of items. Like instead of it being based on weight, it is based on the capacity of your backpack or whatever. Clearly, I don't care if you can literally carry 500lbs of junk, where the hell would you fit it all? So, what I want is a mod that makes it so that like your backpack can only fit say 20-30 small items like food, or you can put 1-2 medium sized guns in it, or a really big one! I'm asking for this because i'm converting my game to a sandbox zombie survival game but I want it to be as realistic as possible! So like when I make a run to town to grab food I can only grab so much, meaning i'm going to have to make a second trip or risk starving! So if anyone can do this or if it's already been done then please point me in the right direction :]


LOL, I got on this forum to post this exact idea, and a little more. Adding a virtual paperdoll inventory system (a purely numeric version of the Diablo/WoW inventory) does make more sense. Every item would would gain a new statistic - "space" - that would appear next to its weight, representing how many virtual spaces it takes up. Item weights would not be eliminated. The more weight you carried the more it would impact your movement speed, stealth and fatigue. The weight you can bear is still affected by the same factors as always: drugs, powered armor, etc. Packs would be the means for gaining extra spaces for gear and might also reduce some of your movement penalty for weight carried (since items are better stowed, allowing you to run a little quicker, move easier, etc). The larger the pack the more spaces it would add, but the less it would reduce your encumbrance penalties and the more it would hurt your stealth. Ideally, any weapons stored in backpacks would not be available during combat. Belt containers would not be subject to this limitation..an extra sidearm or grenade in the ol' fanny pack should be perfectly reachable.


(Also, if some genius could actually design a visual aspect to this inventory like all the MMOs have, that would just be delicious gravy :) I honestly don't see it being possible, though..you'd need to take all the item models in the game and calculate how many spaces they take up, then copy those models to a completely original graphics routine which probably can't even be done, etc.)

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Exactly! Man, we should just delete my post and post exactly what you just said lmao. It sounds much more professional ;P


Only because I spend waaaaaay too much time thinking about this stuff. I've tried to learn modding, but I can't even figure out this "merged patch" nonsense!

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