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How many hours have you clocked?


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There was a thread before skyrim came out that let us estimate how many hours we were gonna spend on this game. I think its time to see how many we have clocked so far.


I'm at 278....... thats a lot.... I think?


Whos got more?

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There was a thread before skyrim came out that let us estimate how many hours we were gonna spend on this game. I think its time to see how many we have clocked so far.


I'm at 278....... thats a lot.... I think?


Whos got more?

Did you play one character that long? That's a lot I think.

I don't have more because I just bought during last sale but I'm 82 hrs in two weeks.

Not sure if steam hours are always accurate but it sure feels like I've lived a bit in Skyrim.

I've still got a long way to go but itching to start up a sneaky bow character.

I'm going to recreate my Morrowind girl, a depressed psycho wood-elf who slaughtered the entire dance club.

Not sure if she could make it 200 years but they don't talk about life expectancy much so who knows...

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Thread inspired me to look this up on Steam (I've never really done anything with Steam except turn off "enable steam community in game") and found that I've logged 222 hours. 'Course I've been playing on and off since Christmas and at a very s-l-o-w pace.


On a side note, I noticed that Steam hasn't been recording my achievements since right after I started playing it. Not that I care about this but I wonder why? Guessing that it stopped recording this data when I started using NMM and SKSE to launch? Dunno. :unsure:

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Wow. I thought most of you would be much higher than me. I brought the game on the first day it released but got bored after about 5 hours.


I didn't start playing again till about 6 weeks ago and im on 310 hours. Not even anywhere close to completing the game yet.

Edited by worldofscotty
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Nice I thought a lot of people would be around 400-500 already. My times split over 4 characters. Haven't played as much cause of college and other games coming out not to mention all the books I read. Edited by Jaxom120
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