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Talking to NPC triggers quest objective/stage


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I am looking to trigger a quest objective complete or quest stage change on talking to a unique caravan trader NPC with their default vendor dialog.


Example: Find and talk to Carla - triggers a new quest stage.


Finding her as a quest objective target is automatic, but I cant get an event to trigger/catch a dialog event:


Event OnPlayerDialogueTarget()




If there is a blindingly obvious tutorial, please point me at it. /frustrated

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Good ideas but not for this:


RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent doesnt have any target info, just the event and trying to correlate to an actor via say location is hard work and unpredictable (esp with targets that move,or Trudi and Carla both in Drumlin or whatever).


RegisterForRemoteEvent wont take an actor or actor alias ... "is not a known script type and therefore cannot be the source of the onmenuopencloseevent event".

Edited by SKK50
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Right that is the function I needed, but implemented differently. For a target triggered solution which works with standard trader menu options from named (e.g. Trudi) and unnamed NPCs (e.g Egg Rock Pond trader). Attach a script to the NPC trader Quest Alias:

Event OnPlayerDialogueTarget()
        Debug.Trace (Self + " OnPlayerDialogueTarget")
	MQScript.QuestStageTrader("MQActorTrudi") ; call a main quest script function with a flag

Or, player triggered (this only works for scripted quest dialogue, not standard packages) attach a script to the PlayerRef Quest Alias:

 Event OnSpeechChallengeAvailable(ObjectReference akSpeaker)
	Debug.Trace (Self + " OnSpeechChallengeAvailable " + akSpeaker)
        MQScript.QuestDialogue(akSpeaker) ; call a main quest script function with the speaker

The return [ObjectReference < (00106A00)>] could lookup, but simply flags dialogue conflict from another quest (in this case OrderUp at Drumlin when trying to trigger Trudi's barter menu)

Edited by SKK50
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Its not bad advice, rather helpful pointers that I appreciate to keep pushing the CK functions until they work for me :)


I am constantly baffled by the lack of explicit clarity in the CK documentation as to what functions or methods can be called by/on what resources.

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