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Yellow eye fix


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Hi guys,

maybe some one here can help me and probably alot of others with this problem.

In Oldrim there was a yellow eye fix mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31477/?

I had it in my list all the time.

But for SE still no one has made this little mod yet unfortunatly.

Is there maybe some one willing to help out with this. If i had the skills I would do it myself but...

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Port this mod for your own use.


1. Download oldrim mod unpack files to desktop (in this case no BSA just raw files)

2. Get https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089/?

3. Run that program and navigate to the folder with the nifs in. (this is a head model you will need to check the head parts only box.)

4. repack the files in a winrar / 7zip etc if you want to use in a mod manager. OR just drop into your data folder.


That should do it.


DO NOT re upload ported mods without permission.


Have fun

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I have tried the improved eyes mod before but uninstalled it for some reason,can t remember why :S Believe it made the eyes look fake.

The serana mods in general are a bit too over the top most times for me. Never did in oldrim either for some reason... I actually have my own look for her,only that yellow eye bug after she is cured is so annoying...

But thank you very much in trying to help out.

It is really appreciated :)

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