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UUNP Preset Weird hip gap and chest color


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Super Thick UUNP BodySlide Preset by slash197

Hi, I decided to change from CBBE HDT to this body prest of UUNP: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83239/?


I install UNP SG Textures and then the sporty sexy sweaty map/skin.


In bodyslide it looks ok, but once in game and go nude, it show strange hip games/glitch and nipples color is misplaced on top side of where the nipples are.


Any Idea what could be wrong here?


The Armor i.e Aradia secretary was CBBE but then I downloaded the UUNP, unistalled CBBE version, installed UUNP version then run bodyslide for this preset, looks good, in game it looks good without hip glitch or boob glitch.


Going nude is the problem, any fix to it?


Also any Idea what mods can give me the exact look in the mod page?


I appreciate all the help I can get!



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I had this problem but with different circumstances and mods, and it was an issue with there being a mismatch between the body replacer and the skin being used. Try uninstalling and reinstalling your body and textures, and if it asks to overwrite anything, make sure you do it in order to ensure the switch has been made completely.

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I had this problem but with different circumstances and mods, and it was an issue with there being a mismatch between the body replacer and the skin being used. Try uninstalling and reinstalling your body and textures, and if it asks to overwrite anything, make sure you do it in order to ensure the switch has been made completely.

Will try it and report back.

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I had this problem but with different circumstances and mods, and it was an issue with there being a mismatch between the body replacer and the skin being used. Try uninstalling and reinstalling your body and textures, and if it asks to overwrite anything, make sure you do it in order to ensure the switch has been made completely.

It worked!


Some customers work but needs the UNP files to work properly as they have the same clipping issue on the hips.


Eisen plate armor will not conform with HDT properly as it is CBBE HDT and not UNP, trying bodyslide it still has those gap issues. But all other armors which are properly converted are working fine.

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