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Script to equip an associated item


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I would like to write a script which identifies the outfit an NPC is wearing, and equips an alternate, non-replacer (!) version.


Something like "if, on event, NPC is wearing the vanilla undershirt and jeans, then unequip it, and equip my own version of (non-replacer) undershirt and jeans"


Yes, I can hardcode the associations, exactly as written above, using the nominal base ids of the outfits, but I would prefer something more elegant than that. Something like a relationship / lookup table, if that concept even exists in papyrus.

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I just did this with a formlist of dirty clothes and a formlist of clean clothes. I made sure to put both items in the pair at the same index numbers when filling the lists via drag/drop in the Creation Kit. See lines 42 & 111: https://pastebin.com/W6i4K5fa


Wow, thank you very much! I am just now discovering form lists.


What happens if you don't have a "clean" version for every "dirty" version? Can you have placeholders? Or you put the "dirty" version at the same index in both lists?

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On line 87, I assign what player placed in washer as the outgoing item. On line 113, I overwrite the outgoing item with the found clean version. On line 116, I send the outgoing item to dryer regardless of whether it was overwritten. So the end result is dryer gets the clean version or the original* item player put in washer.


* (Stripped of omods, but that's an issue for another post.)


I think that's what you are asking. If not, let me know.


Also here are the available formlist functions: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=FormList_Script

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Let's say you have list A and list B. A has 30 items, but B only has 25 for some reason. If you use a loop to step through (iterate) A 1-30 (array indexes), then try to do something concurrently to B 1-30... you will throw an error because B only has 25 elements and you are asking B for 26 through 30.
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Let's say you have list A and list B. A has 30 items, but B only has 25 for some reason. If you use a loop to step through (iterate) A 1-30 (array indexes), then try to do something concurrently to B 1-30... you will throw an error because B only has 25 elements and you are asking B for 26 through 30.

I am just discovering form lists now, so I am slowly experimenting :)


What I achieved so far: created and populated a form list, and successfully equipped random items from the form list to the NPCs on a scripted event. Excellent progress! (for me :) )


Next steps that I need to figure out:

- to detect what clothes (under armor, or nude body, if under armor is not present) the NPC is wearing

- if I have a corresponding outfit in my form list (since I haven't replicated all outfits in game), replace theirs with mine

- if not, keep their own (without crashing, preferably)

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