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ModRequest: weapons&Bow package


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i'm puting up a rrequest to anyone to make up a package of at least 10 different medieval swords, 5 hand&halfs, 5 single handed with assorted short swords and longs. perferably all with nice fullers. i have tried that mod gives the lord of the rings swords, love it but its just teasing me now. i need more like it. also, i'm sick and tired of all the curved 'horse bows', I. E. the dwarven, elven, and ebony bows being the strongest in the game. i love the english longbow, but wish it would stand up alongside them in DPS. if u could add a 'English War Bow' in there, like the long bow, but thicker, alittle longer, and has carved deer horn caps on the ends, where u string it, and a stitched leather handle. maybe even add its own style of english arrows and quiver.


i wouldn't mind learning how to make them myself cept i have no clue what to do. :P

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