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Exiting my modded Breezehome causes the game to crash


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..., is there a chance someone could troubleshoot the problem for me?

Ok, I had a look, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED ???? It looked like a bomb had gone off. No wonder the game CTD.


Didn't really find anything wrong, apart from several things missing. It's generally not a good idea to go messing with the in-game sets. Add a few thing, sure, but don't start taking the house apart. That's just asking for trouble.


If you want to expand, Its better to add another cell expansion, rather than adding to the existing cell. Even removing a piece of flooring and expand downstair.


Oh,...and get that mess cleaned up. :D



lol yeah, I guess it is kind of a mess. There is a lot of stuff floating around outside. I've since cleaned that up.


I also added some "start" objects to cover the ladder hole in the floor, and junk-up the new fireplaces, but they don't appear in the fully decorated house. Since then I have figured out how to set item for "ignore" in the DETAILS dialogue from the CK data window, so I got a bunch of the phantom items back and put them outside where they wont appear in the floor anymore.


Beyond the extra items, I really think the CTD has more to do with the esp file size + whatever change data gets stored in the save file when you leave something behind, and that somehow messes with loading the cell outside in front of the house. I don't know much about programming, but it's got to be significant that if you turn off "save on travel", you get dumped into a gray void. Something is messing with initializing the cell outside the house.


I'm working on re-building the basement space in a new cell, though I really don't like that option. It's not as elegant as having it all one space.


I know I just posted that I was giving up, but it just keeps calling to me....

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Interesting things you've found, especially the possibility of the file size and the autosave maybe messing things up.


I have been sorting the latest attempt on my mod but I haven't yet got a chance of actually seeing if it crashes when I exit or not. What I'm wondering is that how big can the mod file be safely before I risk having it bloat too big when I add more items to bookshelves etc. At the moment I gave in and added the basement as a separate cell (but would still want to do this with stairs to a door instead of a hatch in the floor because a trapdoor just isn't as aesthetically pleasing and doesn't look as nice with the thing I'm building :wallbash:)


Also do you keep all the clutter from the house that exists if the house is in the non-decorated state, all the crates and cobwebs and such? I thought I should keep these just to well, stay more with the original look and feel instead of having the house completely empty and barren if nothing has been bought.

Edited by Ayameep
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Interesting things you've found, especially the possibility of the file size and the autosave maybe messing things up.


a trapdoor just isn't as aesthetically pleasing and doesn't look as nice with the thing I'm building :wallbash:)


Also do you keep all the clutter...




I also finally relented and made my basement a seperate cell. I did it by duplicating the Breezehome cell and and renaming it "WhiterunBreezehomeBASEMENT *" . In the duplicate I then deleted most of the objects and walls (not everything, see below) from the main house leaving only my basement and it's contents. Then I went in to the main "WhiterunBreezehome *" cell and deleted all of the basement and it's contents. I left the Breezehome main house improvement I had added (fireplaces, clutter, weapons racks, etc...). Then I tested the main house in game -- and it worked! Now Breezehome doesn't crash! So the lesson here is that there is something fatal about the default Breezehome cell that doesn't like having too much stuff added to it.


I'm like you in that I hate the idea of a trapdoor. But honestly I've spent way too much time on this already, and I wasn't able to quickly find a compact stairwell that I liked, so I went with a trapdoor. :/ I made my own trapdoor (I hate the supplied ones) by resizing and framing a WR double door under the stairs where my stairwell had been and then did the teleport thing to my new basement cell (following the wiki).


In the new basement cell I still wanted the stairway, so I left the kitchen walls and objects that could be seen from the basement (and enclosed what couldn't be seen so the lighting was similar). So now when you open the door from the basement cell you get a glimpse of the "kitchen" just before teleporting into the real Breezehome cell. For the kitchen door heading down to the basement I just used the "load" version of the door, cause I was afraid not to delete the entire basement from the cell, so unfortunately there is no way to see a basement mock-up before the teleport like I did in the basement, but at this point I'm ready to compromise for now. (I hope that's clear). If you find a suitably compact and appropriate looking stairwell, add it to this thread.


As far as the default Breezehome objects are concerned, I had deleted some stuff and that was also causing problems in-game (apparently the save file still calls the deleted stuff up, and since it no longer has location data it just clusters around the 0,0,0 point in the cell, in this case poking through a wall in-game. If you've made the mistake of editing or deleting a default game object in a cell and want to bring it back, look here (use the Ignore function in the Details... dialog), then move any unwanted re-appeard objects into a cluster a short distance outside the house. I've found it's also possible to replace (cntl-f) default objects. I did a replace on most of the default furniture and changed it to it's Noble equivalent. None of that stuff has come back to haunt me.


At some point in the future I might attempt to make my Breezehome house all in one cell. But for now, unfortunately, I don't think there is any other choice.

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I did some fiddling about with the mod again and I'm a bit confused with the file size possibly causing the crashes, because at the moment my Breezehome is 144k in total, with a basement in a separate cell. But I'm guessing it's counting the basement as well so the 144k isn't obviously just for the actual house, and I have no idea where I could see how big a portion the Breezehome house (excluding basement) takes from that 144k.


However I haven't had any crashes yet, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there will be none either.


The stairway I use at the moment is WRDunIntStairsDown01 and it works pretty well for me, tho I needed a bit of sorting out so it fit more or less seamelessly with the rest of the house (it's in the space where the original alchemy room would have been).

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  • 1 month later...

Exact same problem - Only I borrowed someone else's interior for a new home - entering is fine, exit... crash. Going to try turning off the saves and see if that works too. back in a jiffy.


Yep, same problem - with the autosave turned off I go straight to greyland. Hmmm. The big thing we all have in common is placing the house in Whiterun - I shall have a play and see if sticking it somewhere else helps.

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Okay, I have a simple fix - Shift your exit to a less busy cell. I moved my exit door to inside Ysolda's shack - no problem, works perfectly. I suspect this also answers my questions about why all Skyrim's towns are so ludicrously spaced out - no tight medieval allys because the game simply can't handle them. Going to try putting my home in somewhere nice and Rural - will let you know how I get on!
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I just found your thread after Breezehome crashed out on me upon exit as well. In my case I made several attempts to edit the place, and deleting the bookshelves didn't seem to cause any trouble at all. But ultimately every massive edit I made would end up with Skyrim CTD.


1st CTD happened when I widened the house. I do believe that I copied walls from Arcadia's house, thinking I'd replace Breezehome's crummy blue walls with the white version. I assumed it was me changing the format of the house, but it may have been the copy + paste. I started over but got my 2nd CTD when I added a basement. I wasn't sure if it was the size or the added lighting. My file sizes on these CTD bombs were between 43k to 175k. The last one that crashed out the game when exiting the house was only about 70k.


There was the comment about exiting into Ysolda's house. I decided to actually put my exit outside of the town and went as far as to put down a different house "shell" outside too. That works fine, without crashing. That isn't really a fix as it is a work around, but hey...now Breezehome is on a cliff over looking a waterfall and all my wives can live there because the game still thinks it's Breezehome.


Sure I have a much nicer house that I built from scratch elsewhere, but for me it's about MAKING things work. I'm satisfied with putting my exit marker somewhere other than in front of that old run down shack next to Warmaiden's.

Edited by Ahondara
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