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The Minuteman Faction


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My request for modders is!!!

The faction of Minuteman with armors/clothing, Preston (companion), Joinable. Can Protect some setllements(like little side qusts time to time)

I dont know how much work it is, but i hope so so much there is someone who want take this little job :D


Sorry about bad english!! I hope you all understand what i mean :D



Best Reagrds


Edited by Crazypapagoi
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So you want:


A new faction (presumably with crime tracking, enemies and allies, might already exist)

multiple NPC's included

new armor and clothing (assuming you mean the MinuteMen clothing from FO4, might already exist)

a fully functioning Preston Garvey companion (Might already exist)

new settlements / locations in the Mojave

and side quests to defend said settlements


That is quite a bit of legwork when put into context, You should present more concise ideas of your mod request as to what armors and what settlements and/or side quests if you want to pitch the idea to capable modders.

Edited by SKYZOO
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There isnt minuteman faction mod :( There is other factions yes! https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=74


No full armor! Only general armor BlackJack (love this mod)

Goodsprings, Primm, Novac and some little settelments should be under protection of minuteman!
Maybe this side quests can be with Radio System (If you listen the radio of goodspring then you can hear when they need help)

Or AI run to you and tells you about bad things in goodsprings!

Well this is my idea of this mod! Yes i dont know how hard it is to make! :D

Edited by Crazypapagoi
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