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ENB Acting Wonky - Switching Contrast at F12+Random.


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I decided to reinstall skyrim, and start afresh.
I installed skse as normal, and my enb as normal, as well as MO.
I adjusted the ini.
Added the alternate start mod, and some others I was using before the restart. (mainly textures, skyui patches etc.)
Now when i start in the alternate start cell, I can already tell the lighting is off.
But I decided to try and enter the main world, and there it looked fine. Until pressing F12 for screenshots. It goes rather dark for a little while and returns to normal. This also happens randomly.
This happened when just looking up towards the light in the room.



Any ideas what to do? I even redownloaded skyrim and tried again. I use Rudy enb.

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Post your enblocal.ini?


I know that Shift-F12 is the default for turning the ENB effects on and off, but it doesn't sound like it's related. Do you mean that the screen goes black and then fades back in over about 3 seconds? It does that for me when I Alt-Tab out of the game and then back in. Could you be hitting one of the key combos for ENB, like freeing VRAM or enabling brute force? Are you using the proxy setting in ENB for any other injectors? Do you have any other overlays running, like MSI Afterburner/RTSS? What programs do you have running in the background?

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