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Ok went through the update I downloaded and installed the latest version of F4SE went to play and found a number of mods that need to be updated (such as "looks menu" and all files associated with it) no real biggie I expected a few mods not to work. I was able to disable all but one of the bothersome mods except one I get a popup box it says

"Unsupported runtime version (expected v1.10.20). Terminal+ will be disabled"

then it gets to the test pattern screen and crashed to the desktop

I run a lot of mods both from Nexus and Steam and even a few that I have gotten elsewhere on the web I have tried disabling a bunch of mods but it still pops up and crashes, I even ran the tool to validate my desk top files and it came back with 2 files failed (as it always does, one is the opening screen that one always happens, but never caused a crash)

anyone have an idea as to what mod of file is causing this,

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