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Stop Maramal & c. from killing the bride


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In short, I am attempting to marry a bandit (got to this point by console commands).


However the people at the wedding promptly attack the bride as she appears, and you can picture the rest.


How to prevent this?

Why do they attack her although I removed the bandit faction from her? (At least I think so.. I used removeallfactions)



Edited by resle
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removeallfactions as in a console command ? if so this will most likely only be temporary


basically this sounds like a job for the Creation Kit


so what you will need to do is open up the mod or create a mod in the creation kit, locate your bride to be (actor)


go on the factions tab, and remove the bandit faction


so basically: Creation kit - Actors - Actor - Name of actor goes here (the bandit you are attempting to marry) - Factions - Delete Bandit Faction from this actor


then go to - Character - Faction - Bandit Faction - and ensure your bride is not in this faction, if she is delete her from it. - delete her from the members and friends (by highlighting her, and press delete on the keyboard)


you might also need to remove her from all bandit factions, so just type bandit faction in the search and check each and everyone and remove her from all of them (where applicable).


the process should only take about 5 minutes.


chances are that the console command removeallfactions only deletes the faction from the actor, not the actual factions if the makes sense (in other words she will still be in the factions, but the faction will be removed from the actual actor options) actor options as in the place where you set their keywords, race, stats, etc etc.

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So here is the bigger question you should ask is all bandits re-spawn aka what they look like face gen including what type they are ect.. you do relies if you marry one the odds are in ten game day he/she will be different looking right?

Edited by woodsman30
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Thanks, but I wanted to avoid the Creation Kit as it has constantly given me issues.


So, to put it another way - is there, perhaps, a console way to complete the marriage quest and attain married status, without going really through the wedding ceremony?

That would solve the problem.

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not really, while you could indeed use a console command to force marry the bandit, you would then end up with the issue mentioned above your post. unless you disable the face gen for bandit in question, however this also requires the Creation Kit to do, not only that but then you still have the same issue where the bandit is in the bandit faction, and thus causes all sorts of issues. she will be constantly attacked by guards, and other enemies to the bandit faction.


could also probably be done in Tes5Edit as well, but i do not know how to disable flags in Tes5Edit if its even possible to do in the tool

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Actually, guards don't attack her when I am in towns. The aggression only happens at the wedding.


So I tried with other "enemy" NPCs. Necromancers and such. Same behavior: no aggression happening, except at the wedding.


Finally, I followed your advice, used the Creation Kit and removed all factions. Same result: the wedding is still a bloodbath.

There must be something else triggering the fight.


You can try this by yourself just by the usual stopcombat / setrelationshiprank player 4 / addfac 19809 1/ addfac 5c84d 1 , wear an amulet of mara and propose.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I found a way. This could be useful to the many (many!) other people I found to be facing a similar challenge on countless forums...

No creation kit required.


The problem is a bandit shows up a the wedding, but behind walls, outside the map's boundaries [toggle collisions to find it].

Get the bandit's ID.


Reload to a point before the wedding starts.

Open the console, disable .


The wedding will be just fine, no matter the faction(s) of your spouse or her aggression level.

The hidden guest with a nefarious faction, was the culprit all along, but has to be entirely disabled before the wedding.


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