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Easy way to edit a texture of an existing mod


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Hello everyone,


I got a simple (or not) question about changing textures. I am sure many of you now the awsome Armor mod "B-35 c Heavy Armor" from xgamer468 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17247/?). It comes with several paintjobs, but sadly not a white one. So i want so modifiy one of the existing paintjobs to be institute white (not completly clean). I planned on using the yellow one, because i don`t think i would ever use that one nor does it spawn on npcs.


So my question is, is there an easy way to change the colours (all different yellow tones) to white ones? Which programs (best would be free ones) would be best suited to this task.


Sorry if that question is silly or badly written (english is not my native language). I looked in the tutorial collection an used search function, but didn`t find anything for changinng a collection of colours.


Hope anyone of you can help.


Cheers and have a nice Sunday

Edited by Terenor82
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Need a few programs to do this correctly and not just churn out a subpar re-coloring.


1. Gimp/photoshop with dds plugin for creating specular/normal maps.


2. Material editor to convert files.


3. If your have intentions of pillaging through the official beth files you will need a bae extractor too.


Optional, if you want to make edits to the static models you need outfit studio and nifscope, and probably a blender like program.


OR, try opening the files in question in gimp/photoshop, fiddle around with the colors, overwrite the original file( after you made a backup of cause), and see how it works in game. I have not tried this, but that is what springs to mind when you say "easy". But you should write off an afternoon to watch guides on youtube, that would probably be the best solution.

Edited by Arneercool
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Any suitably advanced image editor will work for you, though you may have to download a plugin or convert from one format into another to edit it. It really depends on the capabilities of the program you use. In this regard, there are three that I'd recommend to chose from: GIMP (which has the virtue of being free), Paint Shop Pro (which has a time limited free trial, afterward you must buy to continue using. Note: you do own the license in perpetuity, or until it no longer works on windows.), and Photoshop (also has a time limited free trial, but is thereafter "rented"). I personally use a combination of GIMP and Paint Shop Pro. I use GIMP to convert from .DDS to .PNG and back. This is due to the fact that PSP does not support .DDS. However, I find PSP's tools easier to use than either PS and GIMP. So the extra step is worth it to me.

Now, to address your mod issue. There is no reason to replace the color. Simply add your new texture, and create a patch mod to add it in making sure to include the original mod as a master. It's actually pretty straight forward to do, and there are plenty of tutorials on texture/color swapping out there. Color/texture swapping is the very first mod I made.

After rereading, I realized there was more to your question. Both PS and PSP have a feature that allows you to replace color ranges. They both go about it differently, so your mileage will vary. I can't speak for GIMP as I do not actually use it for editing images. Probably the simplest way to go about it would be to change the image file to greyscale and adjust the brightness/contrast to a suitable level. However, you will only have hard black and white (and all shades of grey in between) as your color, and not the subtly pearlized colors of the Institute. All I can say is to pick one play around with it, and figure out what works best for you.


Good luck!

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  On 9/24/2017 at 8:42 AM, TheMightyArchaon said:

yeah ok, gimp is complicated then :cool:

Gentlemen, please, i am sure everybody has the intention of helping, but what we are doing is non-productive, either by overcomplicating it or reducing it to a one liner.. Maybe that is what happens when you ask the 3 stooges for advice on rocket science.

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Thank you for your answers.


I have gimp installed anyway, so I will test it first (havent used it much so I will google some tutorials). As for making a patch to integrate the new skin: well i won't head in this direction, at least for now. Load order is full anyway (already merged a lot but still).


Thank you so far, I will report any progress.



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Hello again everyone,


so I tinkered aroudn in gimp. First I wanted to use the rotate clour tool. I didnt get how you could change to white colour tones, so meh. Next I tried making the texture only greyish (from black to white) and pumped up contrast and brightness. The result may not be perfect, but for a few minutes work i am happy with it. It still has a slightly used look. I will use it for now and try to optimize it when I learn more about gimp.


Thank you for your help


PS: wanted to post a screenshot, but i have no idea how....

Edited by Terenor82
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