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Skyrim : How To Add HDT Physics To Armor?


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Ok, Just to inform all you 15 year olds jerking off to overly sized breasts, this is NOT about B&B physics! Please, go look it up on Google if you want to know how to add that, because EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE ABOUT ADDING HDT IS ABOUT B&B PHYSICS. So, seeing the 4 of you remaining out of the 1600, I have a question: Read the title. I like armor. Armor is great. I looks cool, However, if there is something I like more than armor, it's physics in video games. I'm not sure how many other people share my fetish, but just seeing hair blowing in the wind, and surcoats trailing behind just makes me so M O I S T , So, naturally, I'd want armor to have it. Forunately, the Armor-That-Utilises-HDT-That-Isn't-THOT-Material count stands at a whopping 2. So, I'd consult the internet to help me figure out how to add HDT to armor pieces that I like, such as The Avatar Of Balthazar, The Zerofrost Mystic Collection, and some of the Immersive Armor Collection's armors. However, too much people would rather Breasts flying in their face than Cloaks, so I'll be the one to ask. Any help? (P.S if anyone could get into touch with the creators of The Resplendent Set, or The Grandmaster Ursine Set, that would be great, as they are the two armor sets I mentioned.)

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I feel exactly the same way. There simply isn't enough HDT armor without breast physics! Also there are even less tutorials about making one. So far I've only seen 2 tutorial, one of which is about hair, but I think the process is somewhat similar.



While not exactly armors, these 2 mods give some nice HDT movement to any outfit:



I've seen a few more armors apart from the wonderful 2 you mentioned in your post. Are you looking for male or female armors? Armor or robes?

Edited by willette8
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