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Small Retexture of the Faneuil Hall Clock


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Hey there,


I would like to have a retexture of the Faneuil hall clock. I know it sounds weird, but I use the same clock as deco - the problem is: the "paintwork" (and only the paintwork) doesn't fit to the wall behind it. :) I'd love to have the paintwork not only "repaired" (without wholes) and clean but also in a dark brown colouring like the wall you can see on the image.


Actually, I don't have much hope, but maybe there's a hero or a heroine out there who could help me out... :/


Many greetings,



Edit: In case that the image doesn't appear:





Edited by LucyAuditore
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First of all, thank you so much for your help, I really do appreciate your efforts!! *well derserved kudos to you*

Hmm... Would it be easier if you remove the textures that are inlerlacing with the wall, so that you only needed to change the wood texture?

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