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I have a big issue...in a Winterhold building i have this weird exploding ice spike in the top of this building.


I though that would dissapeard waiting, but when I came back to Winterhold to do a quest of the College, that effect still in that building


I want to know how remove that without delete my saves and creating a new game, I don´t want to do all over again.


I think this is because a mod, that makes the dragons shout this kind of spells... I think is "Deadly Dragons" or "Ultimate Dragons" (I have both)


but still, i dont know what to do


(My Skyrim is the Legendary Edition)


If anyone knows what can I do, please... help me on this s#*! :´vvvvv


here some images.... https://twitter.com/SoullessHorror/status/912174929646358529



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