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Anyone with decent knowledge of nifskope?


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So I've seen youtube videos on how to import weapons/armor into skyrim, but all I want really is just a tile. Just think of it as a carpet. Please leave a msn or skype if you are able to guide me. No, I do not use 3D Max and I don't plan on going to go, so don't be a retard and say s*** like "Oh get 3D max is much better!!!".


. Anyways, so I exported my obj from my 3D model program and then I opened it up in Nifskope. I have no idea what the heck to do in there. I got the basic navigation with the 3 mouse buttons. Cuz I tried making my model file inside creation kit, but it appears as a red alert thing instead of my floor tile. The tile isn't too thin, but its stick enough, maybe like 2-3 ft in thickness. It's a square. Just msg if you think you can help me.

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