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Mod order change in TES5Edit


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I feel like I am going to feel like a moron once I get the answer, but I am stuck on something. I am trying to suss out the cause of a CTD when I load the game, and after going through and making sure there were no mods who's master wasn't present and above it in the LO I have decided to try and check for conflicts with tes5edit. I know how to check for errors, and there were none, but I have never used xedit to check for conflicts,


I found a video, that seems like a good start but it assumes something that I can't figure out. It starts by saying the mod you want to check against should be up at the top of the LO just below .esm files.That's all well and good in MO, but I can't seem to do so in tes5edit. The mod the vid is using as an example is RDO, which I have in my LO towards the bottom where it should be for actual play. I can move it up in MO, but when I do that then run tes5edit from MO it just stops at RDO because it is not where it should be. If I keep it at the bottom in MO, then run tes5edit from MO I get a full run of checking for errors, but I can't figure out how to move RDO high on the list from within tes5edit to follow along with the video. Dragging doesn't work and I can't seem to see any other way.


I feel like there's some setting I need to set in MO, but I can't for the life off me figure out what it where. I can't seem to find a video that covers it and Google is failing me.

Edited by drworm73
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I'm struggling to understand any of that... but if you're moving a mod lower down the load order and TES5Edit fails to load then it's a master which something else need. Look for the red exclamation marks in MO, also check if you have the load order locked (I've found that to be quite buggy, things never stay where they're suppose to). If you're constantly enabling and disabling mods, saving your game in between and at the same time MO is moving crap around because you're using a locked load order... crashes would not surprise me.

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1st. tes5edit will use the load order set by any mod organizer, and especially LOOT


2. basically RDO will fail to load in tes5edit, if the mod it requires is below it in the load order. so basically any mod that RDO requires should be placed above it, in the load order. via your mod manager of choice. i don't know mod organzier, but i do know wrye bash and nexus mod manager.


so for a quick and easy way of doing it, would be to download wrye bash, and simply drag any file RDO requires and move it above RDO in the load order. (closer to the master files)


i dont know what this RDO mod you are referring to is though, since their is insane amount of mods with abbreviations (pretty much any mod can have 1, (so RDO does not help identify what mod you are refeering to).


to check for conflicts in mods, you would load all mods, and then go down to the mod in question, click on it, and look for any Entries with Red Backgrounds and Especially Red Text


Red Background in Tes5Edit = Their is a conflict with 1 of your mods


Red Text = the mod in question is being overridden by another mod. in other words the mod in question is losing the conflict. and thus will not have its edits appear in game, this can be serious depending on what the mod in question actually does, potentionally resulting, in CTD, Freezes and other issues, again depending on what the mod is supposed to do (and how many mods it is conflicting with), however for the most part, it could just mean the mod will not have its edits appear in game, thus making it redundant, and a waste of on esp slot.


Note: When checking for conflicts in tes5edit, every single mod must be loaded, and checked, its a very long process (depending on how many mods you have) but is the only sure fire way to fix a modded game and to make the game the most stable, by eliminating conflicts.

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