mfree80286 Posted October 3, 2017 Author Share Posted October 3, 2017 Alright, untested new method for the full bowling pin puzzle. 1 - the trigger volume. There are two scripts available for a volume now;Scriptname EFTH_ItemInTriggerPos extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzContainer auto Keyword property PuzzleItemKeyword auto Keyword property PuzzToken auto event onTriggerEnter (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if akTriggerRef.HasKeyword(PuzzleItemKeyword) PuzzContainer.AddItem(PuzzToken,1,true) endIf endEvent event onTriggerLeave (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if GetTriggerObjectCount() == 0 PuzzContainer.RemoveItem(PuzzToken,1,true) endIf endEventScriptname EFTH_ItemInTriggerNeg extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzContainer auto Keyword property PuzzleItemKeyword auto Keyword property PuzzToken auto event onTriggerEnter (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if akTriggerRef.HasKeyword(PuzzleItemKeyword) PuzzContainer.RemoveItem(PuzzToken,1,true) endIf endEvent event onTriggerLeave (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if GetTriggerObjectCount() == 0 PuzzContainer.AddItem(PuzzToken,1,true) endIf endEventBasically you have a positive and negative version... both work the same as far as detection goes (only the bowling pin item) but now add or remove a special keyworded puzzle token MISC item from a 'magical' container, when they are in or out of the trigger volume. Pos is for the volumes that 'want' pins, Neg is for the volumes that should be empty. Then, you have the hidden token container, and it's script;Scriptname EFTH_Puzzle02Container extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzController auto Keyword property AllowedItem auto Event onInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(AllowedItem) endEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) if (aiItemCount == 10) PuzzController.activate(game.getplayer()) endIf endEventThis works like the bear puzzle, except it watches for 10 token items to be present representing that the 10 trigger volumes have all been manipulated correctly. Then it activates the control marker, which has this script, slightly modified from original, as well as the bear-style doorcontroller script.Scriptname EFTH_IndicatorLightScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property IndicatorLight auto Sound property RingBell auto bool ScriptActivated event onInit() ScriptActivated = 0 endEvent event onActivate(objectReference akActionRef) debug.trace("LightController recieved activation from " +akActionRef) if (ScriptActivated == 0) ScriptActivated = 1 IndicatorLight.PlayAnimation("Green") int instanceID = RingBell.Play(IndicatorLight) endIf endEventMajor change there is to ring a bell when the light is activated, since this is portable script and further down the line, doors/lights will happen outside the player's sightline. Will see if this all works in a couple hours, but if you see any obvious screwups, commentary is greatly appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfree80286 Posted October 4, 2017 Author Share Posted October 4, 2017 Doesn't work, multiple reasons. Will address later. EDIT: Yup, entire scheme's just far too complex to be workable right now, so I'm going to simplify the whole thing down to having two pins to place in the correct spots, and that's all. Coding later, presently exhausted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThoraldGM Posted October 4, 2017 Share Posted October 4, 2017 Your project has lots of cool features. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Replace aiItemCount with GetItemCount() == 10 because adding one token at a time will never be adding 10 tokens at once. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfree80286 Posted October 4, 2017 Author Share Posted October 4, 2017 On 10/4/2017 at 7:20 AM, ThoraldGM said: Your project has lots of cool features. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Replace aiItemCount with GetItemCount() == 10 because adding one token at a time will never be adding 10 tokens at once. The bigger problem with the 10 volume puzzle is that if you akwardly move a pin through more than one volume it still affects the total, in this case dropping the count and for some reason not raising it. That portion of the code got replaced in testing, this is that script currently;Scriptname EFTH_Puzzle02Container extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzController auto Keyword property AllowedItem auto Event onInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(AllowedItem) endEvent Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) if (self.getItemCount(AllowedItem) >= 10) PuzzController.activate(game.getplayer()) endIf endEventSo, unless I can find another set of functions to pick on and try to get the 10 volume puzzle working, I'm going to cut it to two pins and a simple check for two trigger entries against pin objects. EDIT: Derp. Like removing the ontriggerenter events from the negative volume script, the ontriggerleave parts from the positive volume script, and put a one-shot bool in both.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfree80286 Posted October 4, 2017 Author Share Posted October 4, 2017 Eeee! First success! It's still being a little weird... I've tried to idiotproof the negative volume scripts by disabling the puzzleitem object when it leaves the trigger volume, but some stay and don't trip their volumes... but others make up by doing so twice. In the end, the 7/10 split was done, the newly complicated positive volume scripts work fine (they init a token, remove it if the pin is taken as it shouldn't be, but added back when it's replaced, but then trips and stops checking) All these new 'tripped' bools are blocks for the script re-running since we're looking for one-shots here. This is why I'm disabling the bowling pin when removed from the negative volumes, can't screw up a trigger script by replacing and re-removing items if they're gone.Scriptname EFTH_ItemInTriggerNeg extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzContainer auto Keyword property PuzzleItemKeyword auto Form property PuzzToken auto Bool VolumeTripped = false event onTriggerLeave (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if VolumeTripped == 0 if akTriggerRef.hasKeyword(PuzzleItemKeyword) PuzzContainer.AddItem(PuzzToken,1,true) VolumeTripped = 1 akTriggerRef.disable() endIf endIf endEvent Positive volume will check for removal, since it's a valid puzzle status, but starts off 'solved', removes the token if you take the pin, and replaces the token in the container when you put the pin back, then stops checking statusScriptname EFTH_ItemInTriggerPos extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzContainer auto Keyword property PuzzleItemKeyword auto Form property PuzzToken auto Bool VolumeTrippedOut = false Bool VolumeTripped = false event onInit() PuzzContainer.addItem(PuzzToken,1,true) endEvent event onTriggerLeave (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if VolumeTripped == 0 if akTriggerRef.hasKeyword(PuzzleItemKeyword) if GetTriggerObjectCount() == 0 PuzzContainer.RemoveItem(PuzzToken,1) VolumeTrippedOut = 1 endIf endIf endIf endEvent event onTriggerEnter (ObjectReference akTriggerRef) if VolumeTripped == 0 if VolumeTrippedOut == 1 if akTriggerRef.HasKeyword(PuzzleItemKeyword) if GetTriggerObjectCount() == 1 PuzzContainer.AddItem(PuzzToken,1,true) VolumeTripped = 1 endIf endIf endIf endIf endEvent The container got redundancy, basically. I was unsure if token additions or removals were being tracked through ALL conditions, so I'm just checking separately on all. It's a simple item count check that trips the puzzle as solved when matched, so it doesn't matter which method catches it, it only matters that it's caught.Scriptname EFTH_Puzzle02Container extends ObjectReference ObjectReference property PuzzController auto Keyword property AllowedItem auto Bool CodeTripped = false Event onInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(AllowedItem) endEvent Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) if CodeTripped == 0 if (self.getItemCount(AllowedItem) >= 10) PuzzController.activate(game.getplayer()) CodeTripped = 1 endIf endIf endEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) if CodeTripped == 0 if (self.getItemCount(AllowedItem) >= 10) PuzzController.activate(game.getplayer()) CodeTripped = 1 endIf endIf endEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) if CodeTripped == 0 if (self.getItemCount(AllowedItem) >= 10) PuzzController.activate(game.getplayer()) CodeTripped = 1 endIf endIf endEvent No solid clue why some neg volumes didn't detect their pins being removed... I may have to change the negative volume script to check for it's specific placed object reference rather than the puzzleitemkeyword... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfree80286 Posted October 4, 2017 Author Share Posted October 4, 2017 Final set of changes and I think it's done. Probably. Changed the MISC bowling pins to new MSTT bowling pins with same keyword attached. Why?Because you could take the MISC ones and that doesn't trip the trigger volume on removal. With the moveable static bowling pins, you can't screw up... you get the 'neg vol' pins out of their trigger volumes and they disappear; and as long as the remaining two pins are in the 'pos vol' trigger boxes, you'll have 10 tokens in the container and the last change to that number will activate the puzzle controller and light/bell/unlock door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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