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rhino2723 - BANNED

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rhino2723 banned.




Reason for the ban

Profanity, disparaging and particularly offensive remarks on/towards a mod and mod author.

User‘s posts 26 September 2017:

06:05 PM:

„Seeing this one conflicts almost every settings for USLP, strongly recommended is a bunch of joke to me.“

06:25 PM:

„So that's what happened, huh?

this a$$crack right here hated unofficial patch so much, that he wanted to screw that sh*t up.

That's why he created this crap, and falsely spread the word 'Unofficial patch is highly recommended' as if this crap comes very well with unofficial patch. which is not, because it screws the whole thing. And this a$$crack lied to us.

What an a$$.“


Terms of Service, Commenting and forum posting rules (excerpt):

„No profanity

it is entirely feasible to convey your meaning without the use of expletives so when you are posting comments on Nexus you are required to refrain from using such words. …


If your comment contains text that is likely to personally offend other users of the site either in the language you use or the message of your text then do not post. We take personal attacks very seriously and you will be banned without warning.“



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