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Why does nothing have a manifest?


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  • 4 weeks later...

what kind of mods are you both using? if the mod is meant change the appearance of something, normally a XNB file, it replaces a file in a specific location. If your downloading a mod like timespeed it will have a manifest. the readme or the page you downloaded it from will tell you where to put it.


if your files are still zipped - you will need a program like winrar/7-zip in order to unpack it and use it.



Editted due to a poor explanation XD

Edited by Verogames
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  • 7 months later...

I've also been having this problem. The only two mods that I've downloaded that have manifests are RotateBar and CJB Cheats. I've been following all the readme directions, double checking and triple checking the locations the files are going to, and saving backups and such, and retrying, and it seems that my problem is literally that the manifest files aren't being downloaded.

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I had the same problem the first time I tried to use mods. In my case it turned out that I didn't unpack the downloaded files properly. Remember that you have to unzip most of the downloaded mods first before you put them in your SMAPI folder. If you did that and you still have the problem, see if the specific mod is compatible with your version of Stardew Valley and SMAPI (you might try to use a mod that was designed for older versions or perhaps your game is outdated). Finally, see if there is a 'manifest' file in your mod folder, and if it's complete. You might be able to add some missing fields manually.

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I've made sure to unzip the files after moving them to the mod folder, so there shouldn't be anything lost there. I had started to wonder if these mods were too old for the version of the game I have, seeing as it looks like most of them were last updated last year. Disappointing but oh well I guess.

Also, thanks for the quick reply, lol

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  • 3 months later...

I've been downloading a few mods and all the mods I downloaded that changed the appearance for the game came up with a error code saying it needs a manifest. They are all up to date, how do I fix that? I'm not used to all the coding terms yet so its hard to understand what everyone is talking about.......... :pinch: :huh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

(Edit) Aw crap this is an old topic.

The file you unzip will have the actual mod folder inside of it. That is the folder you want in the mods folder. In other words, the mod is one folder "too deep."

This is what will happen when you unzip:

- Stardew Valley
- "Mods" (Mods folder that you put mods into)

- "mod-########.###.####" (extracted folder)

- [actual folder for mod you are trying to install]

- .dll files

- manifest.json

- etc.


This is what you actually want

- Stardew Valley

- "Mods" (Mods folder that you put mods into)

- [actual folder for mod you are trying to install]

- .dll files

- manifest.json

- etc.

- "mod-########.###.####" (extracted folder)

Edited by Pezzop
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