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"Defibrillator" spell ideas


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I wish there was a spell that has the ability to somewhat resurrect a dead NPC but the same way the 'resurrect' console command works (not a mindless zombie).


Rules on how it could work could be:


-Once an NPC has died he has 15 seconds until he's perma-dead where he can't be revived


-Make it a only-melee-distance, charged, 2-handed, shock.


-It's a one-burst shock, and it has the animations of the non-perked 2 handed 'shock' spell' ( 2 hands wide open pointing outwards.)


-Make it so when the NPC is shocked he gets up with the animations of like he fell off a horse (slooow).


-Make it so the NPC is only given enough hp to avoid being in the 'limping on knees' position.


-Once revived the NPC says thank you in a way and make him friendly towards you - and ignore friendly fire to a limit


-If the NPC was an enemy however, he will simply just run away in fear but may still attack you later.


-Spell costs 111 magicka (as if lightning bolt and heal other were combined)


-Spell is adept


-If NPC dies within a period of 5 seconds after being revived he is perma-dead with no chance of revive


-Only affects the races you get to choose to play as (breton, argonian, imperial, etc...) not dragons or dremora, etc...


-Spell can not be used to insta-kill, and instead just hurts an NPC like a lightning bolt.


-NPCs that ruin the sense of quests if they're alive after killed cannot be revived (Ulfric, Tullius, etc...)


I know it's a lot, but I just thought I'd share my ideas to see if maybe someone can do it. And I got the basic idea from battlefield, and since I hate being unable to help fallen allies.

Edited by Yuatari
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