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Skyrim crashes after a short playtime


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Hello, my problem is that my Skyrim crashes after a short playtime each time I play.. There is no specific place, action or thing that causes this (a least as far as I can see). Though sometimes a certain action crashes it each time. An example: Was ctd in arcanaeum each time after reading a few books (got past it by disabling enb). Now I'm in dwemer ruins and one of the I get a ctd when one of the mechanic spiders explodes after I kill it. Note that I can kill all the other spiders up to him without a ctd.

the problem started soon after I bought a new, better laptop and transferred my Skyrim there, copied it instead of reinstalling it. As it was a better laptop I augmented the appearance compared to before. I activated shadows and added enb. Though I ended up deactivating the enb cause it slowed the game too much and made the ctd more often.

Here are infos:

211 hours in the game (don't know if it's relevant)

Laptop specs:

Processor Intel® Core i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz

Video Card Intel® HD Graphics 630

Video Card #2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M

RAM 8.0 GB

Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 (build 15063), 64-bit

Modlist and INIs:

MemBlocks log:

logging of blocks enabled

logging max values only

Timer disabled

Block1 Block2

512MB 256MB

85 8

85 8

Please help me find the problem and thanks in advance

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