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Leeroy Jenkins Dragon Shout


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What I want, what I really, really want is a "Leeroy Jenkins" dragon shout.


First "word" is Lee

Second word is Roy

Third word is Jenkins


The special effect of the shout is a combination of the sprint shout and a frenzy spell (if technically possible).


Someone please, please just make this happen. I will bugtest for you, I will do whatever. I need this shout, but it is beyond my ken.

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Alright, so, I have an update on my progress for you guys. Yes, I AM indeed actually working on it.


Admittedly, I've run into a problem or three so far. Getting the voice to work is being difficult, but I managed to get it to work by replacing the files for a different shout. I'm still working on getting it to work without having to do that, and if anyone here knows or can find out how that'd be great. Similarly, and frankly more seriously, for some reason I can't get the dash forward from whirlwind to work on any other shout or ability. Even just copying the vocal power doesn't work, for whatever reason.


Regardless, I've still got something for you guys at least. As of this moment, a pair of voice changes for the Whirlwind Sprint shout are up on Skyrim Nexus. Just do a search for Leeroy Jenkins Shout.


If you guys have any suggestions, help, or other comments, just go ahead and let me know here. Hope you all enjoy!



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