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Neck Seams Male and Female Not CBBE


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Hi. I use a variety of mods that edit bodies. I use XCE and EVB but I also installed the Black Face HD Texture fix even though I don't use Bethesda's HD textures. I also don't use CBBE or any mod that relies on CBBE except for Heather Casdin though I think she has a unique body.


I started to have neck seams, which I didn't have before (with all of the above), and I have no idea what caused it. I have tried a few body texture replacers that work with vanilla/EVB (including Nuclear Nude even) in an attempt to fix the seams but they aren't going anywhere. Not sure what mod is causing it, like I said, and am hoping someone knows of a way to check which mods affect heads/necks/etc. Maybe using FO4edit?


My instinct would be that it's a conflict between XCE and body replacer/retextures but doesn't seem to be the case since this was working fine before recently. Also don't see how it could be a load order issue since only XCE uses an .esp.


This image will give you an idea of the neck seam on males: http://oi63.tinypic.com/2rogrhx.jpg


This image will give you an idea of the neck seam on females: http://oi67.tinypic.com/5z2wbs.jpg


This image will show how the seam is pretty bad in other lighting conditions/poses most of the time:



I can put up some more images, including "Before" images for a female character that was not previously affected by this issue.


Load Order:




I am not using anything that is usually reported to cause these issues so I have no idea why it's happening to me. I've tried disabling my rextures and XCE and the problem persists so it seems locked into a different mod or something is wrong with my vanilla files maybe. I could really use some help with this.

Edited by thunderclam
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