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Flashing/disappearing meshes


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I want to avoid sharing pics unless it's required, I'm trying to keep this mod under wraps the best that I can and also trying REALLY hard to get it finished before halloween as it is a horror themed mod.


I've got 3 outfits that are all flashing in-game and in the creation kit they disappear depending on the camera zoom. For example, One outfit has jeans, when I zoom in on the armor addon window, the jeans disappear. Another is a mask, the default camera angle doesn't show the hair on the mask, but when i zoom out, the hair appears and zooming back in, ofc makes it disappear.


I will show the mask for reference, as it's widely used by low-level NPC's in the mod.


zoomed out:



default zoom:





It is ONLY the parts that disappear in the creation kit that flash in-game. (So only the clown's hair flashes, not the entire mask, same for the before mentioned jeans, rest of the outfit is perfect, but the jeans flash in-game)



I'll explain my process for creating the item and getting it into the creation kit in case that could be an issue, though I followed the nexus wiki guide very closely.


1 - Import model into 3ds as fallout 4

2 - export as fallout 3

3 - import into blender, edit, weigh, etc

4 - export as fallout 3 (same settings as skyrim)

5 - import the ORIGINAL fallout 4 model into 3ds, delete the model, keep the skeleton.

6 - import the edited fallout 3 model into 3ds WITHOUT the skeleton.

7 - export as fallout 4.


now, in nifskope:

1 - Open the original fallout 4 mesh in 1 window, the new edited fallout 4 mesh in another.

2 - rename the new mesh's NiNode to the same thing as the original, delete the bsshading w/e's.

3 - copy/paste the bssubindextrishape's from the new mesh into the original mesh.

4 - change numbers (vf5, unknown short, etc)

6 - change segments A and B both to 4, first 3 segments all 0 except the unknown short, which is 4294967295. The 4th/final segment has same unknown short, but also triangle count = "Num Triangles2" from right before the segments.


I've used the same process on a number of armors, but only 3 of them have this issue. All the armors seem to have the right segments, right numbers for vf5 and all that stuff, the BGSM doesn't make other models invisible/flash so I don't think it's an issue with that...


But I can't pinpoint the exact cause of the issue... Halloween is fast approaching and I'm running out of time to get this mod finished, and the 2 outfits flashing (not including the mask) are worn by very important characters in the mod, so it's not something I can just leave out.


So please, if anyone can offer advice on what might cause this issue, let me know how to fix it asap!


Any help is highly appreciated!!

Edited by saintgrimm92
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I came across this issue today actually, whilst working on a complex layered outfit mod I am working on. As it turns out, the solution was to ensure there were no coplanars in the mesh. In my case, I have multiple complete layers of clothing (main piece plus addons), so I cannot just cut certain sections out - all need to be complete meshes. With coplanars in play, the flickering kicked in, mostly from certain angles within the game itself. Going back into editor and fixing the coplanar issue resolved this issue for me completely. In my specific case that is...

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Bump.... Still need help...


I read up on coplanars, didn't fully understand most of what I read, but found that in 3ds max, to edit something or another to do with coplanar's I should set the planar threshhold to 1. So just to see what might happen, I set it to 0 (it was 45), the jeans no longer flash! However... The belt does still flash and I can't set it to 0... because it was already 0 when I imported it into 3ds. It also makes the model look a little strange in a few spots with it set to 0. It looks fine in-game, but in the ck and nifskope, it has dark spots like normals or faces are facing the wrong direction (but I don't mind as long as it looks fine in-game and works correctly).


Something else I tried:


- Make a duplicate of the mesh/meshes in 3dsmax, delete the skin modifier and partition equivalent in fo4 if any.
- Reset X-form and move the pivot to world center.
- Recreate the skin via skinwrap on the old mesh and manual fixes if needed.
- Apply partitions if any
- Export.




But the flashing still continues...




Nothing I've used to open models from the directory shows txt files so I didn't know there was one... Didn't even know that fallout 4's CK added text files.... but anyway, all of the flashing models have a .txt file in their folder called "EditorWarnings.txt" and the only thing in those txt files are the same line over and over and over, this is the line from the clown mask:


Bad model bound from skin instance on 'MaskHair'.


So at least now I know its a skin issue... But can anyone give more info? Do I simply need to re-weigh the flashing armors? or is there more to it? I'll continue trying things, but would really appreciate some help, tomorrow's october first.... This is kind of a time sensitive issue so sooner help will be appreciated more than later help!

Edited by saintgrimm92
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