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using animations from one weapon on another weapon


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So I'm pretty new to fallout 4 modding in particular, but I've modded other games before so I can do some basic stuff. One thing I'd like to do, though, I don't know how to get started. Perhaps you guys can help.


I'd like to take the animations from this mod:



and apply them to this mod weapon (See Below):



I don't plan on releasing it without the authors' permissions, but either way I would still like to make it for myself. How would I go about doing that?


Edit: With some fiddling in the creation kit, I was able to find out that the "Hammer fan" animation is simply applied to any weapon using .44 animations when the it's set to automatic. I was able to fanangle a way to get the heroes revolver to use the animation that way but I would still like to be able to keep it single shot while still using the hammer fanning animation. That is my new goal here. Anyone got some knowledge to drop on me?

Edited by mauskal
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