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A simple request


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hi all....

i like very much this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15805 but i dont like very much the ribbons :(

now the request...

can u explain me how to delete them (i dont know haow to use any graphic program and CS) or delete them urself?

i think it wouldnt be a long work for u :(

thanks a lot :P





This is not modders resources.

This Mod prohibits change and use of my Mesh / Texture.

Please understand.


In other words... No.


That said, aside from the neat texturing, it's pretty much just steal armor mixed with parts of other stuff.

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yeah, i knew it....

but is it the same for personal use?


(as usual, sorry for my eglish lol)

If someone makes changes, then gives you those changes, although your usage may be personal, theirs isn't. If you make the changes yourself, and never share them with anyone, or speak of the matter again, that is a different issue.

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