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Australian megamod


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Now that is something i can work with. :smile: Tell me which towns and i can pull some DEM data and import it into the GECK and we can have our basic world maps


PS: I alreay have a model and anmations for a giant spider :wink:


PPS: Thinking about importing a 3D model of an airplane to explain how you got to Australia as well :tongue:


edit. delete thread mods please.

Edited by Kaiouti
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So things we are gonna need


> Scripters

> Voice Actors M/F

> Texturing artists (landscape painting)

> Modelers (Custom objects, weapons, others stuff)

> General modders


Almost all of this mod can be accomplished with just the geck (Excluding modeling, texturing and voices)


I will get the DEM data done and upload the initial file to Nexus tonight.


PS: We could create our own vault idea instead of the plane thing so we can keep the beginning of the game where u run into the vault and then have that exit into one of the 4 towns...

Edited by comfyseven4
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In the link, it mentions, "Planned Changes -

A list too big to write ;) We are basically rebuilding the game to take place in the Victoria Providence of Australia instead of Boston..."


A total game overhaul sounds like a bad idea. Why not simply hop onto a boat in the Boston harbor and arrive at a select location in an Australian setting mod? A Project Enderal or Brazil undertaking would be the stuff of a seasoned project manager and crew. Since this is a fun sounding idea, why not increase the chance of this being successfully undertaken and completed by positioning it as a new land mod within the game?

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A total game overhaul sounds like a bad idea. Why not simply hop onto a boat in the Boston harbor and arrive at a select location in an Australian setting mod? A Project Enderal or Brazil undertaking would be the stuff of a seasoned project manager and crew. Since this is a fun sounding idea, why not increase the chance of this being successfully undertaken and completed by positioning it as a new land mod within the game?


This. Not only will a TC be a lot more work, it also means you can't just use your current character to check out that mod. And probably also that you'll have to backup your installation beforehand.


A boat, or maybe an airplane, sounds more reasonable.

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Now that is something i can work with. :smile: Tell me which towns and i can pull some DEM data and import it into the GECK and we can have our basic world maps


PS: I alreay have a model and anmations for a giant spider :wink:


PPS: Thinking about importing a 3D model of an airplane to explain how you got to Australia as well :tongue:

Don't know if it helps at all but I could name a few towns that are fairly small that might make it a bit easier to import. Regional/outback kinda places that would probably fit in with the lore.10-20 houses, and a couple of businesses, few odd buildings scattered on the outskirts, small train stations, silos, dams all that sorta stuff

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