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Music and Pictures in books


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Ok well I wanted to make a mod that had pictures in the books

so I checked out the code to input the picture in

on tes:cs wiki but that didnt really help me. :confused:


1st question: How do you get pictures in books? :rolleyes:


I was also wondering about putting music in a specific building.

Like say.... Benirus Manor. I want to put in my own music but I only

want the music to be played in that specific house. I dont want to hear the music

anywhere but that house. :confused:


2nd question: How do you get music into a specific house or

cell without it playing anywhere else? :rolleyes:


I have tried to figure out how to make these work but have come up with

nothing. I thought I had it a few times but then I just got really confused. :closedeyes:


Please help :unsure:

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Ok well I wanted to make a mod that had pictures in the books

so I checked out the code to input the picture in

on tes:cs wiki but that didnt really help me. :confused:


1st question: How do you get pictures in books? :rolleyes:

Books use some sort of half-assed coding that resembles html. I would look at some of the books already in game that have pictures linked in them for the actual method. Basically every picture needs to be a .dds file.


As for music. Don't bother, the music scripting capabilities are a bit broken, and don't support anything more complicated than playing a song once, and only as long as you remain within the same cell. You can't really use getsecondspassed in order to daisy-chain one song after another (by planning around the playtime of each song) since simple things like accessing the menu can throw it off just enough to add a noticable inconsistancy between songs.


To get it to work, just make an activator, place it in cell, attach a script which makes use of


along with begin onload.

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