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First time using mods in months... HELP.


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So, as per title, my first time going in-depth with mods after months of playing other games and not using any. As you can tell, I decided to start a NEW GAME in FNV with several mods.


Everything's messed up, and that's only in the first 30 seconds of playing.


First of all, Project Nevada pops up saying that the HUD files couldn't be found, so no PN for me.


Then, the good ol' Doc is a red triangle with a white exclamation point.


I have mods for character appearances, and the "new" options during character creation are all red triangles as well.


I already sorted with LOOT and cleaned with FNVEdit. No luck.


Already tried switching Archive Invalidation off and on. No dice.


Tried re-installing some, like PN, but same error message.


Load order is fine, according to LOOT.


Maybe PN's HUD is not compatible with The Mod Configuration Menu, which I also installed? (PN atop MCM In load order).


Probably a stupid newb question, but again, I haven't done this in months, so I'm totally lost. All I remember about modding is random scraps of info that I can't figure out how to piece together.


Any help is appreciated.




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well , it would sound like you just failed to properly install the mods

which program do you use for installing and managing mods?

which mods do you use? what is your load order?

have you tried running the game before installing mods? does the game run fine vanilla?

and last , many mods have suggested load orders , installation instructions and such mentioned on their main page

have you made sure to follow the instructions on each of these pages?

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well , it would sound like you just failed to properly install the mods

which program do you use for installing and managing mods?

which mods do you use? what is your load order?

have you tried running the game before installing mods? does the game run fine vanilla?

and last , many mods have suggested load orders , installation instructions and such mentioned on their main page

have you made sure to follow the instructions on each of these pages?



I used the NMM.


The mods I'm using, in their load order, are:




















NS- Blueberry Nights.esp

NS- WesternEdition.esp

NS- UltimateEdition.esp

FCO- NPC Changes.esp

The Lucky 38 Empire.esp

Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp


JIP Companions Command and Control.esp

Alternative Repairing.esp




Alternative Repairing- Additional Campfires.esp

AR- Breakdown Item Icons.esp

AR- NVInteriors.esp

AR- Ultimate Edition.esp




Conelrad 640-1240.esp

PN- Old World Blues.esp

Nevada Skies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp


According to both NMM and FOMM, this load order is fine. LOOT doesn't detect any issues or conflicts either.


I've tried running Vanilla, works fine. Also tried to recheck all the mod pages and I think everything is fine, but I'm unsure whether I missed something, given that I have to be comparing all the mods at once.


Am I missing something here? Did NMM just mess up the installation?

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well , Nevada Skies states in the FAQ on the main page , that you should put all plugins at the end of the load order

so I would suppose putting the NS-.... plugins at the end

also make sure that the ultimate edition esp is first of them , then the DLC plugin , and then the rest of the optional plugins (I think that should be the order)


for Project Nevada , at the main page they have a large Troubleshooting page

make sure to follow it , especially since you have HUD problems with it


as for FCO , do you have NVSE and UIO installed? because both won't appear on the load order , but are required (as listed in the main page)

the author also mentions the need for a merged patch , as seen in the suggested load order , on the main page

so maybe this is needed for the new options to appear properly (can't recall , it's been a while since playing this game)


as for the rest , I don't recognize the MMUE plugins , and the rest shouldn't cause any problems , as far as I can tell

so do check the mod pages , try to properly follow the installation instructions , and check what I've mentioned here

hopefully , after doing all this , and making the necessary patches , the game will run properly for you

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