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Fallout 4 Changing NPC / raider loot drops


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hey guys . i will keep it simple and straight . i want to change the loot chances in all enemy's corpses and i want to adjust them by hand . the problem is all raider / npc corpses have a locked inventory . i saw lots of people did it in their mods but i cant seem to figure out how . it wont be matter in what toolkit it can be done . there is a picture attached to this post of the NPCs locked inventory .



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looks like found it . for everybody else looking for this in the future ;for insistence raider Female corpses use templates for their inventory . you cant edit templates , what you should do is go to the tab Templates next to section called use Inventory ,uncheck that option. with doing that you prevent this type of npcs from using templates and then you can go to inventory and edit the corpses inventory . you can also use what you created and make it into a template and add to other NPCs . that would save so much time as well .




Edited by ariyanhm
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