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Freezing in ENB menu


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I've been having a problem recently where my game freezes and becomes unresponsive when I try to tweak any of the ENB settings in game. It doesn't always happen right away and sometimes it happens just by clicking on anything at all in the ENB menu. The only thing that is constant is that I'm in the ENB menu tweaking something when it happens. I've tried verifying my game cache, reinstalling ENB, lowering memory size for ENBoost, and setting my graphics card back to stock frequency. I've run out of ideas as to why this is happening so I'm open to suggestions.


System Specs:


GTX 1070


m.2 NvME SSD


I'm using the Film Workshop ENB, Load Accelerator, and F4SE. I only noticed this problem after I started using Film Workshop, but I also almost never went into the ENB menu until I started using Film Workshop.

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