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Hellsing Character


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I would like to see a mod based on a character from the Japanese tv series "Hellsing".

the Vampire character "Alucard".

I was thinking there could be a quest revolving around Alucard. Maybe some sort of look into the character's history, it would be set before the Hellsing organization, predating anything from the anime, a look into the life of Alucard as a young legendary vampire.


Anyway, just a thought. If there are any modders out there that are fans of the show it would be much, much easier for them to create such a mod. You would have to have some knowledge of the series. I just think he is a very interesting character with a lot of room to play around with his background, history, etc..


I have attached a few images.

Let me know if you're interested.







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good shot man but Alucard's history is alredty established so this would be messing iwth Canon but i still like the idea i'd love to see Alucard in the game it'd just be asawm I had some ideas for a fullon Hellsing mod ajfter my improvement of the Castlevania mod sure i'd be screwy but whatever you know what happens in alternet niverses
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Well yes, some of Alucard's history has been established, but are you telling me there's no room for imagination in the world of Oblivion? I'm sure something could be worked out.

Anyway, I look forward to your Hellsing mod, sounds awesome.

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As long as you don't kill him and loot his corpse.


Because Alucard is Count Dracula, he is one of the most ancient vampires out there, and I doubt a few fireballs and sword smacks should be able to kill him.


He can get right back up after being shot/sliced/stabbed/decapitated/mutilated to hell and back, just fine and dandy. Summon THOUSANDS of familiars, including very powerful vampires. He's unaffected by holy weapons (as shown in the Anime, Manga, and OVA), silver and mercury ignition too as he fires off bullets containing such ingredients. Really if they were to make him as powerful as he actually is... I don't care if your character is the top guy in every guild and the champion of Cyrodiil, they wouldn't stand a chance in hell. The only way the player would be able to kill him is if they seriously tone down his abilities and powers and make him a shadow of himself.

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Ya, I was thinking tthat Alucard would be an essential character, meaning he cant die. And if you vulk with him, you will definitlely die. I don't think he should be an enemy in the quest, he should be involved in some other way.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey! thats great man! I'd say take that idea and run with it, please, somebody. It would be cool if in the quest you could choose sides. Also it would be cool to fight alongside Alucard. He could be a companion, except he wouldn't listen to your orders.
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well if you choose to Join Iscariot you could fight alongside Anderson. I'm not sure about the best Millennium Companion Maybe Rip, the Captain, or The Doc, prehaps Zorin. or even Schro. and I'm not making this mod i suck at modding i can only hope this will be made


Here's so me more pics for refrence. Neutral backgrounds.





Father Alexander Anderson




Neutral Background Alucard Shot.





Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing





Seras Victoria








The site i got this from also has character Sheets that may help with buildign the Characters

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