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[Skyrim Legendary] Need help - Editing Staff damage


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Hello everyone,


Here's the bump I've stumbled upon while still learning how to use the creation kit. I'm trying to play a pure mage, and I wanted to give him a staff. Problem is, with the Ordinator fixing spellcasting to be viable in higher difficulties, the damage on any staff I encounter is simply way too low. So I took upon myself to make a custom staff for my mage, but then the headache started.


I tried to find guides online on how to edit staves, but all I could find was only creating new spell effects for staves and how to edit weapon damage values. That is not what I was looking for. What I'm trying to find is find a way to, let's say, get a Staff of Thunderbolts and bump the 25 shock damage value to something like 60. Just a numerical difference in the damage values without having to create a new spell effect.


Is there anyway to modify it, somehow? Even if it means getting the staff to do the usual 25 Shock damage and other unespecified damage type, anything that it's easier to do to reach the desired result: get the staff to have a higher damage value without changing the core spell effect.


Thank you very much for the attention.

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You edit a staffs damage via the magnitude tab in the enchantment. Keep in mind you'll need to create a standalone staff if you want the same enchantment but with a different value. If you just change the enchantments value you'll change it for all staffs which use that enchantment.


(In reference to provided image)

You'll find whatever staff enchantment you want to change then give it a unique form ID. (1)(I used flames as an example)

By that i mean just find whatever spell you want to change then modify the form ID name to create a copy of that spell.


I recommend placing "AAA" without quotes infront of the name so it gets bumped to the top of the enchantments list for easy finding later. (2)


Once you've created a copy you'll modify the damage value by changing the "magnitude" property (3).

The magnitude is the damage it does sans any perks your character has or buffs provided by armor/jewelry.


You can choose to remove the auto calculate option to manually adjust the magic charge drain from the staff but i'd recommend leaving it on for balance reasons (4).


Once you've created your modified enchantment you'll need to apply it to a specific staff under the enchantments tab in the weapons menu, the same as any other staff.

(Sorry for small image, i had no idea there was such a tiny image limit)





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Hello everyone,


Here's the bump I've stumbled upon while still learning how to use the creation kit. I'm trying to play a pure mage, and I wanted to give him a staff. Problem is, with the Ordinator fixing spellcasting to be viable in higher difficulties, the damage on any staff I encounter is simply way too low. So I took upon myself to make a custom staff for my mage, but then the headache started.


I tried to find guides online on how to edit staves, but all I could find was only creating new spell effects for staves and how to edit weapon damage values. That is not what I was looking for. What I'm trying to find is find a way to, let's say, get a Staff of Thunderbolts and bump the 25 shock damage value to something like 60. Just a numerical difference in the damage values without having to create a new spell effect.


Is there anyway to modify it, somehow? Even if it means getting the staff to do the usual 25 Shock damage and other unespecified damage type, anything that it's easier to do to reach the desired result: get the staff to have a higher damage value without changing the core spell effect.


Thank you very much for the attention.

This was very very helpful. Thank you very much!

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