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HEEELP! Bodyslide-outfitstudio issues...


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HELP! I used an older version of Callientes brilliant program, but was dumb enough to download a newer version. That does not work on my laptop (I am using an older model, well, stoneage so to speak. gforce 520m) And when I have tried to use it, I get an error message that says something about a bad OpenGl. Well I have tried everything, from updating my graphics driver and manually installing a Gl driver. NOTHING works. Can anyone hook me up with an older version of bodyslide and outfitstudio? I would love to have an older version, since I was in the middle of a rather optimistic project when i did the update. PLEASE, anyone, I need that program to be working. (and I don't have the money to go buy a new High-end machine)

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Your graphics card supports the latest versions of the program.

Even a GT 120 supports it.


You're either missing the latest graphics drivers from NVIDIA, or you're not running the program with the dedicated graphics.

Read up on how to run programs with the dedicated instead of the integrated graphics chip.

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