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Getting Custom Voice files into Creation Kit


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I'm trying to get some pre recorded voice files into the creation kit.


I have gone into the dialogue window and recorded a dummy .wav file to create the file path and file name, then replaced it with the pre recorded one.


However when I try to preview the file in the CK it just plays what was recorded for the dummy. A temp.wav file gets created in the voices folder which is what was recorded as the dummy and when I delete the temp file I can no longer preview the recording of the line.


Is there any way that I can get the CK to play the pre recorded line and not the temp file that it seems to be insistant on playing.



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This woman uses another process but I haven't tried it myself so can't say for sure if it works or not. But the romance mods seem to have audio so she's doing something right :smile:




Edit: I should start reading better, this wasn't for Skyrim :pinch:

Edited by Niborino9409
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You can and it`s easy. Record a dummy file. Close all quest windows by pressing "ok" so it saves the quest with this dummy file name. Go to the voice folder where the dummy file is located. Paste your pre-recorded file into the same folder. Then use the dummy file name to rename your file. Open the quest again and try to play your record.


Just a thought ...maybe the game does not like your file ? It seems to accept wav 16 bit PCM .I had no problems with replacing dummy files.

Edited by kitcat81
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